Meet Prof. Dr. Kemal DOLAY
I started my journey in medicine and surgery at Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine (Çapa Medicine). I completed both my medical school and my General Surgery specialization here. I have also added my Surgical Oncology specialization, and have become an in-depth specialist in the fields of surgery and oncology.
I am a surgeon with nearly 30 years of experience in the diagnosis and treatment of liver, gallbladder-ducts and pancreas diseases. The majority of my surgeries focus on liver, bile duct and pancreas tumors. In addition, I am also an expert in advanced ERCP (I have performed approximately 7000 ERCP procedures to date), laparoscopic cholecystectomy and stomach-duodenal cancer surgery.
In my surgical practices, I generally follow American surgical guidelines, but I prefer and apply the radical oncological approaches adopted by Japanese surgeons in pancreas, bile duct and stomach cancer surgeries. In addition, I treat complications such as pancreatitis, pseudocysts, pancreatic wall necrosis and benign conditions such as pancreatic cysts with both endoscopic and surgical methods.
I further strengthened the scientific and academic infrastructure of my surgical and medical approaches as a member of the Turkish Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery Association. I served as the general secretary of this association between 2021-2023.