- Sirer, FA., “Frequency of Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Peptic Ulcer Perforations, Comparison of Diagnostic Methods and Evaluation of Response to Treatment” Haseki Education and Research Hospital 2001.
- Çakır, M., “The Role of Early ERCP in Biliary Pancreatitis”, Haseki Education and Research Hospital 2002.
- Bostancı, Ö., “Relationship of Duodenal Diverticula Detected During ERCP with Gallstones” Haseki Education and Research Hospital 2003.
- Serhat, E., “Thrombosis Prophylaxis with LMWH in Surgical Cases” Haseki Education and Research Hospital 2003.
- Noyan, M., “ERCP Results in Choledochal Stones: Analysis of 308 Patients” Haseki Education and Research Hospital 2003.
- Demiriz, B., “Endoscopic The Place of Retrograde Cholangiography” Bakirkoy Dr Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital 2007.
- Kılıç, S., “Treatment and Patient Related Factors Affecting the Risk of Arm Lymphedema in Breast Cancer Patients” Akdeniz University Faculty of Medicine Department of General Surgery 2011.
- International Active Member of SAGES (Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons).
- Member of E-AHPBA (European-African Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association)
- Member of IASGO (International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists, Oncologists).
- Member of ISSO (International School of Surgical Oncology).
- National Surgical Association
- Turkish Hepato Pancreato Biliary Surgery Association
- Trauma and Emergency Surgery Association
- Surgical Oncology Association
- National Endoscopic-Laparoscopic Surgery Association
- Gunay K and K Dolay, “Caustic Injury” In: Ertekin C, Guloglu R and Taviloglu K (eds) “Emergency Surgery” Nobel Medical Bookstores, p:623-645, Istanbul 2009.
- Dolay and M Hasbahceci, “ERCP in Hydatid Cyst and Other Parasitic Diseases” In: Karahan O and Cingi A (eds) “Gastrointestinal System Endoscopy” Turkish Surgical Association, Bayt Publishing Services, p:595-603, Ankara, 2016.
- Dolay and M Hasbahceci, “Acute Cholangitis” In: Karahan O and Cingi A (eds) “Gastrointestinal System Endoscopy” Turkish Surgical Association, Bayt Publishing Services, p:604-611, Ankara, 2016.
- Dolay and M Hasbahceci, “Endoscopic Evaluation of Pancreatic Pseudocyst and Walled Necrosis Treatment” In: Karahan Ö and Cingi A (eds) “Gastrointestinal System Endoscopy” Turkish Surgical Association, Bayt Publishing Services, P:612-621, Ankara, 2016.
- Dolay and M Hasbahçeci, “Bile Tract Injuries” In: Karahan Ö and Cingi A (eds) “Gastrointestinal System Endoscopy” Turkish Surgical Association, Bayt Publishing Services, P:622-633, Ankara, 2016.
- Dolay K and M Hasbahçeci, “ERCP and Endoscopic Applications in Pancreatitis and Its Complications” In: Akaydın M, Bektaş H, Dolay K and S Yılmaz.(eds) “Surgical ERCP Applications: Videoscopic Case Examples” Akademisyen Kitabevi: İstanbul, 2020. ISBN:9786052588444
- Peker KD and K Dolay “Chronic Pancreatitis Surgical Options in Treatment” Basic
- Topics in Liver, Pancreas, Bile Duct Surgery and Current Approaches in Treatment. Akademisyen Kitabevi, S: Istanbul, 2020
- Akaydın M, Bektaş H, Dolay K and S Yılmaz.(eds) “Surgical ERCP Applications: Videoscopic Case Examples” Akademisyen Kitabevi, Istanbul, 2020
1. K. Dolay, “Primary chest wall tumors”, Ergüney, S. and Y. Çiçek, (eds.) Current Surgical Treatment, European Medical Bookstore, Istanbul, p,667-670 (2001).
2. K. Dolay, “False aneurysm and arteriovenous fistula”, Current Surgical Treatment, European Medical Bookstore, Istanbul, p,730-733 (2001).
3. K. Dolay, “Brachiocephalic reconstruction”, Current Surgical Treatment, European Medical Bookstore, Istanbul, p,742-746 (2001).
4. K. Dolay, “Foot gangrene”, Current Surgical Treatment, European Medical Bookstore, Istanbul, p,796-799 (2001).
5. K. Dolay, “Diabetic foot” Current Surgical Treatment, European Medical Bookstore, Istanbul, P,846-850 (2001).
6. K. Dolay, “Blunt cardiac injury” Current Surgical Treatment, European Medical Bookstore, Istanbul, P,982-986 (2001).
7. K. Dolay, A.Kocataş “Direct Percutaneous Endoscopic Jejunostomy” Interventional and Therapeutic Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, European Medical Bookstore, Istanbul, P,206-209 (2011).
- Speaker Dolay, K. “Endoscopic nasocystic drainage for the definitive management of intrabilliary rupture of the hepatic hydatid cysts” 17th World Cogress of The International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists, Oncologists, 5-8 September, Bucharest, Romania, 2007.
- Speaker Dolay, K. “The role of colonoscopic screening and polypectomy in the colorectal cancer prevention” New Frontiers in the Diagnosis and Management of GI Disease: 15th International Postgraduate Course of International Postgraduate School of IASGO and ISSO, 13-15 December, Athens, Greece, 2007.
- Speaker Dolay, K. “Prevention of Recurrence – ESR: In Pancreatitis without unknown origin – CONSENSUS MEETING” 10th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 13-17 May, Antalya, Turkey, 2009.
- Session chair: 10th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 13-17 May, Antalya, Turkey, 2009.
- Course instructor: Emergency Surgery Course of European Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery (ESTES), 27-29 March Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
1. Session Chair: 4th National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, October 1, Istanbul (2002)
2. Session Chair: 5th National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, November 16-20, Side, Antalya, (2005)
3. Session Chair: 6th Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, September 4-8, Side, Antalya, (2007).
4. 4th Speaker: “Skin anatomy and physiology”, Wound care course. 6th Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, September 4-8, Side, Antalya, (2007).
5. 5th Speaker: “Trauma in Pregnancy”, National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Association Trauma Resuscitation Courses (TRK), December 11-14, Istanbul (2007).
6. Speaker 6: “Trauma in the Elderly”, National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Association Trauma Resuscitation Courses (TRK), repeated between 2007-2009.
7. Speaker: “PEG + STENT”, Video panel, Uludag University 4th Current Approaches in General Surgery Meeting, March 17-20, Uludag, Bursa (2011)
8. Speaker: “Nasobiliary Drainage in Hydatid Cyst Treatment”, Video panel, Uludag University 4th Current Approaches in General Surgery Meeting, March 17-20, Uludag, Bursa (2011)
9. Speaker: “GERD Pathophysiology”, Course 1. Laparoscopic Gastroesophageal Reflux Surgery, 10th National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress, April 27-30, Istanbul (2011)
10. Speaker: “Emergency ERCP Interventions” Emergency Endoscopic Interventions Course, 8th National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, September 14-18, Antalya (2011)
11. Speaker: “Minimally invasive intervention methods: Current approach panel in acute pancreatitis” 8th National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, September 14-18, Antalya (2011)
12. Course Director: “Emergency Endoscopic Interventions Course” 8th National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, September 14-18, Antalya (2011)
Session chairmanship: Oral presentation session chairmanship, 8th National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, September 14-18, Antalya (2011).
14. Speaker: “Emergency ERCP applications” Diagnostic and Interventional Endoscopy Course” 9th National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, April 19-23, Antalya (2013)
15. Course Director: “Diagnostic and Interventional Endoscopy Course” 9th National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, April 19-23, Antalya (2013).
16. Session Chair: Oral presentation session chair, 9th National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, April 19-23, Antalya (2013).
17. Speaker: “Interventional Endoscopy in Upper and Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding” 11th National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress October 2-6, Bodrum (2013).
18. Session chairmanship: Oral presentation session chairmanship, 11th National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress, October 2-6, Bodrum (2013)
19. Speaker: “Robot Controlled, Navigated, Flexible Endoscopy” 7th Surgical Research Congress, November 7-9, Ankara (2013)
20. Course Directorship: “Diagnostic and Interventional Endoscopy, ERCP, Endosonography Course” 19th National Surgical Congress, April 16-20, Antalya (2014)
21. Speaker: “ERCP Applications (Sphincterotomy, Precut techniques, Stone Extraction, Mechanical Lithotripsy, Stenting, Nasobiliary Drainage, Cystogastrostomy)” 19th National Surgical Congress, April 16-20, Antalya (2014)
22. Speaker: “How Does Endoscopy Affect Surgical Strategy?” 19th National Surgery Congress, April 16-20, Antalya (2014)
23. 23rd Speaker: “Endoscopic Playage in Biliary and Duodenal Obstructions Due to Pancreatic Tumors” Pancreatic Cancer New Horizons Symposium, February 6, Istanbul (2015)
24. 24th Course Director: “Diagnostic and Interventional Endoscopy, ERCP and Endosnography Course” 20th National Surgery Congress, April 12-17, Antalya (2016)
25. 25th Speaker: “Interventional ERCP applications” 20th National Surgery Congress, April 12-17, Antalya (2016)
26. Panelist: “Acute Pancreatitis, panel with cases” 20th National Surgery Congress, April 12-17, Antalya (2016)
27. Speaker: “Surgeon and Endoscopy” 20th National Surgery Congress, April 12-17, Antalya (2016)
28. Session chairman: “Oral Presentation Session” 13th National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress, April 19-22, Antalya (2017)
29. Session chairman: “How I Do-2, Endoscopic Treatment in Acute Gastrointestinal Bleeding” 13th National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress, April 19-22, Antalya (2017)
30. Speaker: “Panel-3, Innovations in Gastrointestinal Stenting” 13th National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress, April 19-22, Antalya (2017)
31. Session chairman: 13th Turkish Hepatopancreatobiliary Congress, November 1-4, Belek Antalya, 2017
1. Guide Wire Sphincterotome: Application No. a2007/04170, Application date: 18.06.2007, Application publication number: TR 200704170A2, Patent certificate grant date 23.11.2009

Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler :
A1. Müslümanoğlu, M., Dolay, K., Özmen, V., İğci, A. and Y. Bozfakioğlu, “Comparison of fine needle aspiration cytology and excisional biopsy in palpable breast cancers” Radiol Med, 89,225-28 (1995).
A2. İğci, A., Müslümanoğlu, M., Dolay, K., Yamaner, S., Asoğlu, O. and C. Avcı, “Laparoscopic esophagomyotomy without an antireflux procedure for the treatment of achalasia” J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A, 8,409-16 (1998).
A3. Kurtoğlu, M., Dolay, K., Güloğlu, R., Necefli, A. and M. Cag, “Life threatening soccer injuries” Eur J Trauma Emergency Surgery, 22(1), 37-9 (1999).
A4. Özmen, V., Cabıoğlu, N., Dolay, K., Bilir, A., Kecer, M., Aydiner, A., Muslumanoglu, M., Igci, A., Bozfakioglu, Y. and T. Dagoglu, “Biological considerations in locally advanced breast cancer treatment with anthracycline-based neoadjuvant chemotherapy: Thymydine labeling index is an independent indicator of clinical outcome” Breast Cancer Res Treat, 68,147-57 (2001).
A5. Ertekin, C., Taviloglu, K., Barbaros, U., Guloglu, R. and K. Dolay, “Endoscopic band ligation: an alternative treatment method in nonvariceal upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage”, J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A,12(1),41-45 (2002).
A6. Dolay, K., Akçakaya, A., Soybir, G., Cabioğlu, N., Muslimoğlu, M., Iğci, M. and C. Topuzlu, “Endoscopic Sphincterotomy in the management of postoperative biliary fistula A complication of hepatic hydatid disease” Surg Endosc, 16(6):985-8 (2002).
A7. Soybir, N., Soybir, G., Lice, H., Dolay, K., Özşeker, A. and Köksoy F, “The effects of desferrioxamine and vitamin E as supplements to antibiotics in the treatment of peritonitis in rats” J R Coll Surg Edinb, 47(5):700-4 (2002).
A8. Soybir, G., Topuzlu, C., Odabaş, Ö., Dolay, K., Bilir, A and F. Köksoy, “The effects of melatonin on angiogenesis and wound healing” Surg Today, ;33(12):896-901 (2003).
A9. Reed, WP., Kilkenny, JW., Dias, CE., Wexner, SD and SAGES EGD Outcomes Study Group, “A prospective analysis of 3525 esophagogastroduodenoscopies performed by surgeons” Surg Endosc, 18(1):11-21 (2004), Erratum in: Surg Endosc, 18(2):354 (2004).
A10. Dolay, K., Aras, B., Tuğcu, V., Ozbay, B., Aygun, E. and AI Taşci, “Combined treatment of iatrogenic rectourethral fistula with endoscopic fibrin glue application and clipping” Endourol, ;21:433-6 (2007).
A11. Yanar, H., Dolay, K., Ertekin, C., Taviloglu, K., Ozcinar, B., Guloglu, R. and U. Barboras, “An infrequent cause of upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding: “Dieulafoy’s lesion”. Hepatogastroenterology, ;54(76):1013-7 (2007).
A12. Dolay, K., Soylu, A., Oner, OZ. And E. Aygun, “Removal of a razor blade from the stomach with unusual accessory tools” Endoscopy. 39; E255 (2007).
A13. Dolay, K., Alis, H., Soylu, A., Altaca, G. and E. Aygun, “Migrated endoclip and stone formation after cholecystectomy: a new danger of acute pancreatitis” World J Gastroenterol. Dec 21;13(47):6446-8 (2007).
A14. Alis, H., Soylu, A., Dolay, K., Kalayci, M. and A. Skinas, “Surgical intervention may not always be required in gossypiboma with intraluminal migration” World J Gastroenterol, Dec 28;13(48):6605-7 (2007).
A15. Haciahmetoglu, T., Ertekin, C., Dolay, K., Yanar, F., Yanar, H. and Y. Kapran, “The effects of contrast agent and intraductal pressure changes on the development of pancreatitis in an ERCP model in rats” Langenbecks Arch Surg. 393;367-372 (2008). [Epub ahead of print Aug 3;2007].
A16. Soylu A, Ozkara S, Alis H, Dolay K, Kalayci M, Yasar N, Kumbasar AB, “Immunohistochemical testing for Helicobacter Pylori existence in neoplasms of the colon” BMC Gastroenterol. Aug 14;8:35 (2008)
A17. Soylu A, Dolapcioglu C, Dolay K, Skinas A, Yasar N, Kalayci M, Alis H, Sever N” Endoscopic and histopathological evaluation of acute gastric injury in high-dose acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug ingestion with suicidal intent” World J Gastroenterol. 21;14(43):6704-10 (2008).
A18. Alis H, Soylu A, Dolay K, Aygun E “Endoscopic transcolonic catheter-free pelvic abscess drainage” Can J Gastroenterol. 22(12):983-6 (2008).
A19. Dolay K, Soylu A “Easy sphincterotomy in patients with Billroth II gastrectomy: a new technique” Turk J Gastroenterol. 19(2):109-13 (2008).
A20. Soylu A, Dolapcioglu C, Alis H, Dolay K, Yasar N, Boduroglu O, Cildas A, Bolukbas FF, Bolukbas C “Prevalence and importance of amebic infestation in patients with ulcerative colitis in two regions in Turkey” Dig Dis Sci. Jun;54(6):1292-6 (2009).
A21. Alis H, Oner OZ, Kalayci MU, Dolay K, Kapan S, Soylu A, Aygun E, “Is endoscopic band ligation superior to injection therapy for Dieulafoy lesion?” Surg Endosc. 23(7):1465-9 (2009).
A22. Kurtoğlu M, Dolay K, Karamustafaoğlu B, Yanar H, Kuzkaya M “The role of the ankle brachial pressure index in the diagnosis of peripheral arterial injury” Turkish Journal of Trauma & Emergency Surgery. 15(5):448-52 (2009).
A23. Alis H, Kapan S, Öner O, Soylu A, Dolay K, Kalayci MU and E Aygun, “Primary omental hydatid cyst”, International Medical Case Reports Journal 1:7–10 (2009).
A24. Ozcinar B, Dolay K, Yanar H, Taviloglu K, Ertekin C, Ucar A, Guloglu R, Plevin R and M. Kurtoglu “Duodenal and jejunal varices due to superior mesenteric vein thrombosis presenting as a massive gastrointestinal tract bleeding: a case report” Cent. Euro. J. Med. 5(6):719-723 (2010).
A25. Dolay K, Soylu A, Aygun E “The role of ERCP in the management of bile leakage: endoscopic sphincterotomy versus biliary stenting” J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 20(5):455-9 (2010).
A26. Alis H, Bozkurt MA, Oner OZ, Dolay K, Turhan AN, Ucar A, Inci E, Aygun E “Case report: acute pancreatitis caused by postcholecystectomic hemobilia” BMC Gastroenterol 7;10(1):75 (2010).
A27. Erman-Akar M, Özkan Ö, Özkan Ö, Yücel S, Dolay K, Ertuğrul F, G Bektaş “ Uterine Preservation and Vaginal Reconstruction in a Patient with Congenital Vaginal Agenesis Presenting With Cyclic Menouria “ JOURNAL OF MINIMALLY INVASIVE GYNECOLOGY 18(5): 682-685 (2011).
A28. Ugur S, Arıcı C, Yaprak M, Mescı A, Arıcı GA, Dolay K, Ozmen V, “Risk Factors of Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema “ LYMPHATIC RESEARCH AND BIOLOGY 11(2):72-75(2013).
A29.Dolay K, and S Akbulut “Role of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in the management of hepatic hydatid disease”. World J Gastroenterol 20(41):15253-15261 (2014).
A30.Baskan O, Ozdenkaya Y, Erol C and K Dolay “Median Arcuate ligament: Should Be Recognised before the Surgery; Importance in pancreaticoduodenectomy” Balkan Med J. 2015 Jul;32(3):312-5.
A31. Dolay K and M Hasbahceci “The role of surgeons on the development and performance of endoscopy”. Turk J Surg. 2017 Mar 1;33(1):1-4. doi: 10.5152/ UCD.2017.3728. eCollection 2017.
A32.Malya FU, Kadioglu H, Hasbahceci M, Dolay K, Guzel M and YE Ersoy “The correlation between breast cancer and urinary iodine excretion levels.”J Int Med Res. 2017 Jan 1:300060517717535. doi: 10.1177/0300060517717535. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 28856936
A33. Malya FÜ, Bektaşoğlu HK, Hasbahçeci M, Taşçı Y, Kunduz E, Karatepe O and Dolay K. “Laparoscopic surgery in distal pancreatic tumors.” Turk J Surg. 2017 Dec 1;33(4):288-291. doi: 10.5152/turkjsurg.2017.3675. eCollection 2017. PMID: 29260135
A34. Dolay K, Hasbahçeci M, Hatipoğlu E, Malya FÜ and A Akçakaya “Endoscopic diagnosis and treatment of biliary obstruction due to acute cholangitis and acute pancreatitis secondary to Fasciola hepatica” TJTES 2018 Jan;24(1):71-73. doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2017.89490.PMID: 29350372 , PMID: 29350372
A35.Malya FU, Hasbahceci M, Tasci Y, Kadioglu H, Guzel M, Karatepe O, Dolay K.” “The Role of C-Reactive Protein in the Early Prediction of Serious Pancreatic Fistula Development after Pancreaticoduodenectomy.” Gastroenterol Res Pract. 2018 Jan 28;2018:9157806. doi: 10.1155/2018/9157806. eCollection 2018.PMID: 29619047
A36.Özkan Ö, Özkan Ö, Çinpolat A, Doğan NU, Bektaş G, Dolay K, Gürkan A, Arıcı C, Doğan S.” Vaginal reconstruction with the modified rectosigmoid colon: surgical technique, long-term results and sexual outcomes.”J Plast Surg Hand Surg. 2018 Aug;52(4):210-216. doi: 10.1080/2000656X.2018.1444616. Epub 2018 Mar 8.PMID: 29519186
A37.Bektasoglu HK, Hasbahceci M, Tasci Y, Aydogdu I, Malya FU, Kunduz E, Dolay K. “Comparison of Laparoscopic and Conventional Cystotomy/Partial Cystectomy in Treatment of Liver Hydatidosis.” Biomed Res Int. 2019 Feb 5;2019:1212404. doi: 10.1155/2019/1212404. eCollection 2019.PMID: 30868067
A38.Dolay K, Malya FU, Akbulut S. ”Management of pancreatic head adenocarcinoma: From where to where? “ World J Gastrointest Surg. 2019 Mar 27;11(3):143-154. doi: 10.4240/wjgs.v11.i3.143.PMID: 31057699
A39.Sahin AS, Kaya E, Turgut G, Dolay K, Kocatas A. Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation for COVID-19 Treatment in a Puerperium Period in Intensive Care Unit. Turk J Anaesthesiol Reanim. 2021 Oct;49(5):428-429. doi: 10.5152/TJAR.2021.1235.
A40. Gümüşoğlu AY, Kabuli HA, Değerli MS, Atar B, Köneş O, Kocataş A, Bingül ND, Dolay K Endoscopic definitive treatment of liver hydatid cysts ruptured into bile duct..Surg Endosc. 2024 Oct 4. doi: 10.1007/s00464-024-11305-9. Online ahead of print.
Papers presented at international scientific meetings and published in the proceedings book:
B1. Ozmen, V., Dolay, K., Müslümanoğlu, M., İğci, A., Aydıner, A., Dinçer M., Asoğlu, O., Keçer, M. and Y. Bozfakioğlu, “Primary chemotherapy for locally advanced breast cancer,” 9th International Congress on Breast Diseases, April 28 – May 2, Huoston, Texas USA, 1996.
B2. Dolay K., Kurtoğlu, M., Güloğlu, R. and A. Necefli, “Use of low molecular weight heparin (Enoxaparin) in preventing venous thromboembolism in multiple trauma patients,” Eurosurgery 98, Budapest, Hungary. Br J Surg 85(supplement 2),105,1998.
B3. Ozmen, V., Muslumanoglu, M., Dolay, K., Karslioglu, C., Yanar, H. and F. Besisik, “Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication for the treatment of GERD,” Eurosurgery 2000,20-24 June,Istanbul, Turkey, 2000.
B4. Dolay, K., Akcakaya, A. and M. Muslumanoglu, “Endoscopic sphincterotomy for the treatment of complications of hepatic hydatid disease,” Eurosurgery 2000,20-24 June,Istanbul, Turkey, 2000.
B5. Dolay, K., Adaş, G., Soybir, G., Coşkun, A., Algün, Z. and S. Tüzün, “A prospective randomized study comparing PEG and phosphate bowel clenasing oral electrolyte solutions for colorectal cancer surgery,” Joint Meeting of MSCP and TACS & 9th Turkish National Congress of Colorectal Surgery, 9-13 September, Belek, Antalya, Turkey, 2001.
B6. Koyuncu, H., Dolay, K., Soybir, G., Ağralı, Y., Adaş, G., Bilge, E. and S. Tüzün, “GO-Schiff Test as a new Screening test for colorectal tumors” Joint Meeting of MSCP and TACS & 9th Turkish National Congress of Colorectal Surgery, 9-13 September, Belek, Antalya, Turkey, 2001.
B7. Dolay, K., Soybir, G., Kemik, O., Ozturk, B., Bostanci, O., Adas G and S Tuzun, “Serial physical examination for the management of patients with penetrating abdominal stab wounds”, 5th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 1-5 October, Istanbul, Turkey, 2002.
B8. Dolay, K., Kemik, O., Soybir, G and S Tuzun, “Benefits and risks of needle-knife precut”, 10th International Congress of European Association for Endoscopic Surgery, 2-5 June, Lisboa, Portugal, 2002.
B9. Dolay, K., Alış, H., Kapan, S., Kemik O. and S. Tüzün, “The role of ERCP in The Management of Bile Leakage: endoscopic sphincterotomy versus biliary stenting,” 12th International Congress of European Association for Endoscopic Surgery, 9-12 June, Barcelona, Spain, 2004.
B10. Dolay, K., Tüzün, S., Noyan, M., Alış, H., Kemik, O. and S. Kapan, “The role of ERCP in The Management of Bile Duct Stones,” 12th International Congress of European Association for Endoscopic Surgery, 9-12 June, Barcelona, Spain, 2004.
B11. Dolay, K., Tüzün, S., Bostancı, O., Alış, H., Kemik, O. and S. Kapan, “The Relationship Between Bile Stones and Periampullary Diverticula Detected During ERCP,” 12th International Congress of European Association for Endoscopic Surgery, 9-12 June, Barcelona, Spain, 2004.
B12. Kapan, S., Alis, H., Turhan, A., Oner, O., Kalayci, M., Kutukcu, E., Dolay, K., Demiriz, B., Hatipoglu, S. and E. Aygun, “Nonoperative management of blunt and penetrating splenic traumas” 7th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 6-9 September, Malmo, Sweden, 2006.
B13. Kalayci, M., Kutukcu, E., Turhan, A., Kapan, S., Alis, H., Oner, O., Dolay, K., Demiriz, B., Hatipoglu, S., Dodur, B. And E. Aygun, Operative and nonoperative management of acute appendicitis”, 7th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 6-9 September, Malmo, Sweden, 2006.
B14. Kalayci, M., Alis, H., Dolay, K., Turhan, A., Kapan, S., Oner, O., Kutukcu, E., Pekel, O. and A. Aygun, “Results of early cholecystectomies after acute biliary pancreatitis”, 7th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 6-9 September, Malmo, Sweden, 2006.
B15. Kapan, S., Turhan, A., Alis, H., Kalayci, M., Oner, O., Kutukcu, E., Dolay, K., Yigitbas, H. and E. Aygun, “Nonoperative management of penetrating abdominal gun shot injuries” 7th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 6-9 September, Malmo, Sweden, 2006.
B16. Alis, H., Dodur, B., Kalayci, M., Yigitbas, E., Tulubas, E., Dolay, K. and E. Aygun, “Results of selective non-operative approach to penetrating abdominal wounds”, 7th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 6-9 September, Malmo, Sweden, 2006.
B17. Alis, H., Dodur, B., Kalayci, M., Kutukcu, E., Dolay, K., Ede, B. and E. Aygun, “Our endoscopic signs in upper gastrointestinal system bleedings” 10th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery , 13-16 September, Berlin, Germany, 2006.
B18. Alis, H., Aygun, M., Kalaycı, M., Hatipoglu, S., Yigitbas, H. and K. Dolay, ”The effect of laparascopic Nissen fundoplication acid reflux to histopathological treatment” 10th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery, 13 -16 September, Berlin, Germany, 2006.
B19. Alis, H., Kapan, SE., Dolay, K., Soylu, A., Turhan, A.N., Kalayci, M.U., Bozkurt, A. and E. Aygun, “Is band ligation superior to injection therapy in Dieulafof lesion?” 15th InternationalCongress of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery, 4-7 July, Athens, Greece, 2007.
B20. Alis, H., Kalayci, M.U., Oner, O.Z., Dolay, K., Kapan, S.E., Turhan, A.N., Soylu, A., Ayhan, S. and E. Aygun, “The evaluation of prophylactive endoscopic injection therapy in Forrest IIb duodenal ulcer bleedings”, 15th InternationalCongress of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery, 4-7 July, Athens, Greece, 2007.
B21. Dolay, K., Kapan, S.E., Soylu, A., Turhan, A.N., Demiriz, B., Oner, O.Z., Alis, H. and E. Aygun, “Gastroscopic extraction of ingested pins teased in the duodenum” 15th International Congress of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery, 4-7 July, Athens, Greece, 2007.
B22. Kalayci, M., Dolay, K., Alis, H., Oner, O.Z., Soylu, A., Turhan, A.N., Yigitbas, H. and E. Aygun, “Our experience of percutaneus endoscopic gastrostomy” 15th InternationalCongress of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery, 4-7 July, Athens, Greece, 2007.
B23. Oner, O., Kapan, S.E., Turhan, A.N., Dolay, K., Kalayci, M.U., Hatipoglu, S., Tulubas, E. and E. Aygun, “Single port laparoscopy assisted peritoneal peritoneal biopsy” 15th International Congress of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery, 4-7 July, Athens, Greece, 2007.
B24. Oner, O., Dolay, K., Alis, H., Kalayci, M.U., Soylu, A., Turhan, A.N., Pekel, O. and E. Aygun, “The results of endoscopic stent application in rectal and sigmoidal malignant colonic obstructions” 15th International Congress of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery, 4-7 July, Athens, Greece, 2007.
B25. Dolay, K., Soylu, A., Yanar, H., Aygun, E. and C. Ertekin, “Management of intrabiliary rupture of hepatic hydatid cysts with endoscopic nasocystic drainage” 15th United European Gastroenterology Week (UEGW), 27-31 October, Paris, France, 2007.
B26. Soylu, A., Dolapcioglu, C., Alis, H., Acikgoz, K., Dolay, K., Demir, K. and A. Skinas, “The eradication of Helicobacter pylori positivity influences symptoms of reflux and endoscopic eosophagitis” 15th United European Gastroenterology Week (UEGW), 27-31 October, Paris, France, 2007.
B27. Dolay, K. and A. Soylu, “Easy sphincterotomy in patients with Billroth II gastrectomy: A new thecnique” 15th United European Gastroenterology Week (UEGW), 27-31 October, Paris, France, 2007.
B28. Dolay K, Turhan AN, Kapan S, Alış H, Öner OZ, Gönenç M, Bozkurt A and Erşan Aygün “Evaluation of Recurrent Pancreatitis” 10th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 13-17 May, Antalya, Turkey, 2009.
B29 . Turhan AN, Alış H, Kapan S, Öner OZ, Dolay K, Gönenç M, Bozkurt A and Erşan Aygün “Diaphragmatic Rupture in Left Thoracoabdominal Wounds” 10th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 13-17 May, Antalya, Turkey, 2009.
B30. Turhan AN, Kapan S, Alış H, Öner OZ, Dolay K, Karabulut M, Gönenç M, Tülübaş E and Erşan Aygün “Expectant approach in abdominal gun shot injuries” 10th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 13-17 May, Antalya , Turkey, 2009.
B31. Alış H, Turhan AN, Öner OZ, Dolay K, Tülübaş E and Erşan Aygün “The Results of Endoscopic Covered Stent Application For Esophageal Perforations” 10th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 13-17 May, Antalya, Turkey, 2009.
B32. Alış H, Öner OZ, Turhan AN, Dolay K, Kapan S, Tülübaş E, Özdemir SÖ and Erşan Aygün “The Success Rate of Endoscopic Interventions Performed By Surgeons for Upper Gastrointestinal System Bleeding” 10th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 13- 17 May, Antalya, Turkey, 2009.
B33. Öner OZ, Alış H, Turhan AN, Dolay K, Özdemir SÖ, Kapan S, Bozkurt A, Tülübaş E and Erşan Aygün “Retrospective Evaluation of Caustic Esophageal Injuries; Etiology and Outcome” 10th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 13-17 May, Antalya, Turkey, 2009.
B34. Kapan S, Alış H, Turhan AN, Öner OZ, Dolay K, Karabulut M, Deniztaş C and Erşan Aygün “Results Of Selective Conservative Follow-Up In Abdominal Stab Wounds Presenting With Omental And Intestinal Evisceration” 10th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery ,13-17 May, Antalya, Turkey, 2009.
B35. Öner OZ, Alış H, Turhan AN, Dolay K, Kapan S, Bozkurt A, Özdemir SÖ and Erşan Aygün “An Update to Etiologic Evaluation for Upper GI Bleeding In Istanbul, Turkey” 10th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 13-17 May, Antalya, Turkey, 2009.
B36. Dolay K, Hatipoğlu E, Malya FÜ, and A Akcakaya “ERCP in the diagnosis and treatment of life-threatining biliary obstruction caused by fascioliasis: experience of 5 cases” S027, 10th SAGES Annual Meeting, 16-19 March, Boston, MA, US, 2016.
B37. Akcakaya A, Dolay K, Hasbahceci M, Akcakaya FB, and I Aydoğdu “Endoscopic, laparoscopic and open surgical treatment modalities of gastric gastrointestinal stromal tumors” P283, 10th SAGES Annual Meeting, 16-19 March, Boston, MA, US, 2016. Articles published in national refereed journals:
D1. Müslümanoğlu, M., Dolay, K., Güloğlu, R., İğci, A., Özmen, V. and Y. Bozfakioğlu, “Repair of inguinal hernias with the mesh knitting method”, Contemporary Surgery Journal, 8,27-30 (1994).
D2. Müslümanoğlu, M., Özmen, V., Dolay, K., İğci, A., Yasasever, V. and T. Dağoğlu, “Prognostic significance of c-erb B2 oncoprotein in breast carcinomas”, Journal of Breast Diseases,1,10-14 (1994).
D3. Güloğlu, R., Dolay, K., Aşık, M. and M. Kurtoğlu, “Spontaneous compartment syndrome” Acta Orthop Travmatol Turc, 29,333-4 (1995).
D4. Turanli, S., Igci, A., Menda, Y., Unal, S., Dolay, K., Yamaner, S., Muslumanoglu, M. and S. Cantez, “Imaging of primary and recurrent colorectal cancers with Tc-99m” labeled anticarcinoembryonic antigen immunoscintigraphy”, Colon Rectum Hast Derg, 7(3),148-53 (1997).
D5. Yamaner, S., Bulut, T., Buğra, D., Berber, E., Büyükuncu, Y., Akyüz, A., Sökücü, N., Gökşen, Y. and K. Dolay, “Effects of mesorectum excision on local recurrence and survival in low anterior resections for rectal cancer” Kolon Rectum Hast Derg, 7(2),84-88 (1997) ).
D6. Müslümanoğlu, M., Dolay, K., Yamaner, S., İğci, A., Bulut, T., Cabıoğlu, N., Kocataş, A., Keçer, M. and F.A. Genç, “Conservative treatment in early stage rectal cancers : local excision” Colon Rectum Hast Derg, 7(2),77-83 (1997).
D7. Kurtoğlu, M., Dolay, K., Güloğlu, R. and A. Necefli, “Low molecule in venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in multitraumatized patients place of heparin (enoxyparin) use” Journal of Vascular Surgery,1,6-12 (1998).
D8. Dolay, K., Sancak, F., Kurtoğlu, M., Güloğlu, R., Necefli, A. and Y. Arıkan, “Popliteal artery and vein injury after arthroscopic intervention (Case report)” Acta Orthop Travmatol Turc, 3,352- 3 (1998).
D9. Kurtoğlu, M., Dolay, K., Güloğlu, R., Ertekin, C. And A. Necefli, “Treatment of deep vein thrombosis with low molecular weight heparin (enoxaparin) (our early results)” National Surgery Journal,14,346-52 (1998).
D10. Necefli, A., Arıkan, Y., Alış, H., Dolay, K., Engin, G. and R. Güloğlu, Sternum fractures: retrospective analysis of 27 cases” Contemporary Surgery Journal, 12,108-111 (1998).
D11. İğci , A., Müslümanoğlu, M., Cabıoğlu, N., Dolay, K., Keçer, M., Bozfakioğlu, Y., Dağoğlu, T., Kizir, A., Kaytan, E. and F. Aykan, “Rectum Curative surgical resection in cancer: The role of mesorectum excision”, Kolon Rectum Hast Derg 8,102-110 (1998).
D12. Necefli, A., Dolay, K., Arıkan, Y., Güloğlu, R., Karayay, S., Halıcı, E. And FA. Genç, “Effect of ceftriaxone on bacterial translocation in experimental mesenteric ischemia (experimental study)” National Journal of Trauma 5(1),7-10 (1999).
D13. Dolay, K., Kocataş, A., Alış, H., Arikan, Y., Guloglu, R. and C. Ertekin, “Cervical spine injuries” National Trauma Journal 5(1),31-4 (1999).
D14. Bulut, T., Ika, H., Yamaner, S., Dolay, K., Bugra, D., Buyukuncu, Y., Akyuz, A., Sokucu, N. and Y. Goksen, “Effects of perioperative allogeneic blood transfusion on immune profile in patients with colorectal cancer” Colon Rectum Hast Journal 9(1),14-17 (1999).
D15. Kurtoğlu, M., Dolay, K., Güloğlu, R. and Y. Arıkan, “Treatment of deep vein thrombosis in pregnant women with low molecular weight heparin (enoxaparin)” T Klin Jinekol Obst, 9:110-114 (1999).
D16. Aydın, N., Karşıdağ, T., Aydemir, D., Dolay, K. and S. Tüzün, “Haseki Education and Research Hospital 2nd Surgery Clinic Endoscopy Unit 5-year colonoscopy results” Haseki Medical Bulletin,37(4),283-6 (1999).
D17. Coşkun, A., Dolay, K., Karşıdağ, T., Aydın, N., Adaş, G. and S. Tuzun, “Primary anorectal malignant melanoma case report” Haseki Medical Bulletin, 37(4),291-3 (1999).
D18. Yamaner S, Bulut T, Buğra D, Büyükuncu, Y., Akyüz, A. and K. Dolay, “Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG): 12 cases” J End-Lap & Minimal Invasiv Surgery, 6(3),133-7 (1999).
D19. Akçakaya, A., Dolay, K., Müslümanoğlu, M. and A. Karakelleoğlu, “Assessment of intraoperative intestinal viability with fluorescein” J Tr Trauma and Emergency Surg, 6(1),8-23 (2000).
D20. Karşıdağ, T., Aydın, N., Selman, S., Dolay, K. and S. Tuzun, “II. Surgery Clinic Endoscopy Unit upper gastrointestinal system diagnostic endoscopy results” Haseki Medical Bulletin, 38(1),27-31 (2000).
D21. Karşıdağ, T., Dolay, K., Aydın, N., Adaş, G., Soybir, G. and S. Tuzun, “Ductal carcinoma in situ in the breast (2 case reports)” Taksim Medical Bulletin, 30(1),32-36 ( 2000).
D22. Adaş, G., Tuncer, Ü., Odabaş, Ö., Karşıdağ, T., Tüzün, S. and K. Dolay, “Laparoscopic approach in inguinal hernia repair: our early results (Prospective clinical study)” End Lap and Minimally Invasive Surgery, 7(2-3),91-96 (2000).
D23. Dolay, K., Adaş, G., Aydın, N., Noyan, M., Aydemir, D., Soybir, G. and S. Tüzün, “Duodenal diverticulum perforation due to barotrauma during ERCP: A case report” Contemporary Surgery Journal, 15,51-53 (2001).
D24. Adaş, G., Odabaş, Ö., Dolay, K., Çınar, A., Tüzün, S. and B. Kumbasar, “Systemic response to laparoscopic and open cholecystectomy trauma (prospective clinical study)” National Surgery Journal,17:160-168 (2001).
D25. Dolay, K., Soybir, G., Adaş, G., Coşkun, A., Algün, Z. and S. Tüzün, “Comparison of bowel preparations with polyethylene glycol and sodium phosphate in elective colorectal cancer surgery” National Surgery Journal, 18,38-47 (2002).
D26. Sağlam, C., Adaş, G., Dolay, K., Soybir, G., and S. Tüzün, “Comparison of anterior and preperitoneal patch application in high-risk inguinal hernia patients (Prospective clinical study)” National Surgery Journal, 18,97-103 (2002).
D27. Koyuncu, H., Soybir, G., Dolay, K., Ağralı, Y., Adaş, G and E Bilge, “A new screening test in colorectal tumors: GOS Test” National Surgery Journal, 18,248-60 (2002).
D28. Kalaycı, MU., Alış, H., Kapan, S., Turhan, AN., Dolay, K., Pekel, Ö., Yiğitbaş, H. and E. Aygün, “Evaluation of diagnosis and surgical treatment in our cases with acute mechanical intestinal obstruction due to colon tumor” Bakırköy Medical Journal, 1:60-63, (2005).
D29. Alış, H., Soylu, A., Kalaycı, M., Dolay, K., Yiğitbaş, H. and E. Aygün, “Use of self-expanding covered metal stents (SEMS) in benign esophageal diseases” Academic Journal of Gastroenterology,;6(2):78-811(2007)
D30. Dolay, K., “Pathophysiology of burns”, In: Güloğlu, R. and O. Çetinkale (eds), “Burn” Turkiye Klinikleri J Surg Med Sci;3(1):4-9(2007).
D31. Dolay, K. and K. Taviloğlu, “Acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding” In: Yağmur, Y. (ed), “General surgery emergencies special issue”, Türkiye Klinikleri J Surg Med Sci;3(28):1-9 (2007).
D32.Turhan AN, Kapan S, Gönenç M, Oner O, Alış H, Dolay K and E Aygün “Treatment in Recurrent Biliary Pancreatitis” Bakırköy Medical Journal 5:25-27 (2009)
D33. Dolay, K. and Hatipoğlu, H. “ERCP in Hydatid Cyst Disease”, In: Uzunköy, A. (ed), “Liver Hydatid Cyst” Turkiye Klinikleri J Surg Med Sci;3(2):60-8 (2011).
D34. Adaş GT., Kocataş A and K Dolay. “The Role of Early ERCP in Diagnosis and Treatment in Bile Duct Injuries”, In: Adaş GT. (ed), “Multidisciplinary Approach to Bile Duct Injuries” Turkiye Klinikleri J Gen Surg-Special Topics;7(1):30-6 (2014)
D35. Dolay K., Basım P and GT Adaş. “ERCP in Biliary Strictures Developing After Cholecystectomy”, In: Adaş GT. (ed), “Multidisciplinary Approach to Bile Duct Injuries” Turkiye Klinikleri J Gen Surg-Special Topics;7(1):53-9 (2014)
D36. Çalış H and K Dolay. “A Rare Cause of Massive Hematochezia in Adults: Meckel Diverticulum Containing Ectopic Stomach and Pancreatic Tissue” Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Case Reports 22(3):162-165. (2014). ,
D37. Dolay K, Alış H, Tihan D and G Hepgül. “Endoscopic Treatment of Adenoma of the Ampoule of Vater: “Snare” Ampouleectomy” DEU Medical Faculty Journal 28(3): 125–130(2014).
Papers presented at national scientific meetings and published in proceedings books:
E1. Igci, A., Muslumanoglu, M., Cabioglu, N., Kocatas, A., Dolay, K., Bozfakioglu, Y., Dagoglu, T. and M. Kecer, “Our results of curative surgical resection in rectal cancer”, 6th National Colon Rectum Surgery Congress, September 8-11, Antalya, 1997.
E2. Muslumanoglu, M., Dolay, K., Yamaner, S., Igci, A., Bulut, T., Cabioglu, N., Kecer, M. and F.A. Genc, “Can Kraske operation and transanal approach be applied in early stage rectal cancer?“, 6th National Colon Rectum Surgery Congress, September 8-11, Antalya, 1997.
E3. Turanli, S., Igci, A., Muslumanoglu, M., Dolay, K.. Yamaner, S. and T. Bulut, “Immunoscintigraphy using Tc-99m labeled anti-CEA in imaging colorectal cancers”, 6th National Colon Rectum Surgery Congress, September 8-11, Antalya, 1997.
E4. Kurtoglu, M., Dolay, K., Cag, M. and R. Guloglu, “Sports (Football) injuries”, 2nd National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, September 30 – October, Istanbul, 1997.
E5. Guloglu, R., Kurtoglu, M., Necefli, A., Ertekin, C. and K. Dolay, “Duplex sonography in the diagnosis of vascular injuries (our first results)”, IX. National Vascular Surgery Congress, April 23-26, Belek, Antalya, 1998.
E6. Dolay, K., Kurtoğlu, M., Güloğlu, R., Necefli, A. and Ö. Türel, “Use of low molecular weight heparin (enoxaparin) in venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in multitraumatic patients”, National Surgery Congress, May 6-10, İzmir, 1998.
E7. Dolay, K., Kurtoğlu, M., Güloğlu, R. and A. Necefli, “Treatment of deep vein thrombosis with low molecular weight heparin (enoxaparin) (our early results)”. Congress of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, October 20-24, Belek Antalya, 1998.
E8. Kurtoğlu, M., Güloğlu, R., Necefli, A., Alış, H. and K. Dolay, “Conservative treatment in vascular injuries”, Congress of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, October 20-24, Belek Antalya, 1998.
E9. Necefli, A., Alış, H., Güloğlu, R. and K. Dolay, “The role of USG in sternal fractures”, Congress of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, October 20-24, Belek Antalya, 1998.
E10. Çapa Breast Tumors Group: Aslay, I., Aydiner, A., Bozfakioğlu, Y., Dağoğlu, T., Dinçer, M., Dolay, K., Engin, G., İğci, A., Keçer, M., Müslümanoğlu, M., Özmen, V., Parlak, M., Saip, P., Topuz, E., Tunacı, M., Tuzlalı, S., Ünal, M. and E. Yavuz, “Results of 126 cases in locally advanced breast cancer”, V. Breast Diseases Congress, 7-10 April, Istanbul, 1999.
E11. Çapa Breast Tumors Group: Aslay, I., Aydıner, A., Bozfakioğlu, Y., Dağoğlu, T., Dinçer, M., Dolay, K., Engin, G., İğci, A., Keçer, M., Müslümanoğlu, M., Özmen, V., Parlak, M., Saip, P., Topuz, E., Tunacı, M., Tuzlalı, S., Ünal, M. and E. Yavuz, “The role of breast-conserving surgery in early breast cancer”, V. Breast Diseases Congress, 7-10 April, Istanbul, 1999.
E12. Müslümanoğlu, M., Dolay, K., Mehmetoğlu, E., İğci, A., Dağoğlu, T., Bozfakioğlu, Y., Keçer, M., Parlak, M., Özmen, V. and M. Ünal, “1 cm ³ breast tumors” V. Breast Diseases Congress, April 7-10, İstanbul, 1999.
E13. İğci, A., Dolay, K., Tabak, B., Müslümanoğlu, M., Dağoğlu, T., Bozfakioğlu, Y., Keçer, M., Parlak, M. and M. Ünal, “Prognostic value of p53 protein expression in breast cancer” V. Breast Diseases Congress, April 7-10, İstanbul, 1999.
E14. Müslümanoğlu, M., Kalaycı, M., Dolay, K., İğci, A., Dağoğlu, T., Bozfakioğlu, Y., Özmen, V., Keçer, M., Parlak, M. and M. Ünal, “Is mammaria interna irradiation necessary for inner quadrant tumors?” V. Breast Diseases Congress, April 7-10, İstanbul, 1999.
E15. Müslümanoğlu, M., Karslıoğlu, C., İğci, A. and K. Dolay, “Curative surgical treatment in early stage rectal cancers”, VIII. National Colon and Rectum Surgery Congress, September 13-16, Kemer, Antalya, 1999.
E16. Adaş, G., Babaoğlu, A., Dolay, K., Babaoğlu, G., Arıkan, S. and A. Yücel, “The importance of culture antibiogram in the treatment of Helicobacter Pylori”, 17th National Gastroenterology Week, October 3-8, Antalya, 2000.
E17. Akçakaya, A., Dolay, K., Karakelleoğlu, A., Alimoğlu, A., Tüzün, S. and M. Sahin, “Early and late ERCP findings in cases of biliary pancreatitis”, V. International Participation Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery Congress, October 9-13, Kuşadası, 2001. Clin Deney Surgeon (Abstract),9,120, 2001.
E18. Dolay. K., Kemik, Ö., Soybir, G. and S. Tuzun, “Needle-knife precut in interventional ERCP increases the success rate of ERCP without causing additional complications”, National Surgery Congress 2002, May 15-19, Kemer Antalya, 2002.
E19. Adaş, G., Soybir, G., Sağlam, C., Dolay, K. and S. Tuzun, “Comparison of anterior and preperitoneal mesh application in high-risk inguinal hernia patients”, National Surgery Congress 2002, May 15-19, Kemer Antalya, 2002.
E20. Soybir, G., Ozturk, B., Serhat, E., Dolay, K. and S. Tuzun, “Comparison of different low molecular weight heparin preparations in terms of efficacy and safety in thrombosis prophylaxis” National Surgery Congress, May 26-30, Belek, Antalya, 2004.
E21. Dolay, K., Alış, H. and S. Tuzun, “Endoscopic snare ampullectomy in benign papillary tumors”, National Surgery Congress, May 26-30, Belek, Antalya, 2004.
E22. Dolay, K., Alış, H. and S. Tuzun, “Acute biliary pancreatitis due to choledocholithiasis caused by endoclip migration after laparoscopic cholecystectomy” National Surgery Congress, May 26-30, Belek, Antalya, 2004.
E23. Kalayci, M., Alis, H., Dolay, K., Ipek, S., Akin, BV., Turhan, AN. and E. Aygun, “The place of emergency endoscopy in nonvariceal upper GI bleeding”, National Surgery Congress, May 26-30, Belek, Antalya, 2004.
E24. Alis, H., Dolay, K., Turhan, AN., Yiğitbas, H., Akin, BV., Kalayci, M. and E. Aygun, “Our approach to caustic substance ingestion”, National Surgery Congress, May 26-30, Belek, Antalya, 2004.
E25. Alış, H., Turhan, AN., Kapan, S., Dolay, K., Kalaycı, M., Kütükcü, E., Öner, O., Ede, B., Dodur, B., Demiriz, B., Yiğitbaş, H. and E. Aygün, “Sharp-tipped wounds: Single center experience”, 5th National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, November 16-20, Side, Antalya, (2005).
E26. Alış, H., Turhan, AN., Kapan, S., Kütükcü, E., Dolay, K., Kalaycı, M., Ede, B., Dodur, B., Demiriz, B., Öner, O. and E. Aygün, “Reliability of selective approach in sharp-tipped wounds”, 5th National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, November 16-20, Side, Antalya, (2005).
E27. Aygun, E., Alis, H., Turhan, AN., Dolay, K., Kalayci, M., Oner, O., Kutukcu, E., Dodur, B. and B. Ede, “Our surgical experience in upper gastrointestinal bleeding”, 5th National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, November 16-20, Side, Antalya, (2005).
E28. Alis, H., Aygun, E., Kalayci, M., Dolay, K., Kutukcu, E., Turhan, AN., Oner, O., Dodur, B. and B. Ede, “Our approach to upper gastrointestinal bleeding”, 5th National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, November 16-20, Side, Antalya, (2005).
E29. Kalayci, M., Dolay, K., Alış, H., Öner, O., Kütükcü, E., Yiğitbaş, H., Pekel, O. and E. Aygün, “Our experience in corrosive substance ingestion”, 5th National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, November 16-20, Side, Antalya, (2005).
E30. Dolay, K., Alış, H., Kalayci, M., Öner, O., Kütükcü, E., Yiğitbaş, H. and E. Aygün, “Stent use in colon tumor obstructions”, 5th National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, November 16-20, Side, Antalya, (2005).
E31. Alış, H., Kalaycı, M., Turhan, AN., Öner, O., Kütükcü, E., Dolay, K., Pekel, O. Yiğitbaş, H. and E. Aygün, “Evaluation of diagnosis and surgical treatment in our cases with acute mechanical intestinal obstruction due to colon tumor” 5th National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, November 16-20, Side, Antalya, (2005).
E32. Kalaycı, M., Alış, H., Turhan, AN., Kapan, S., Kütükcü, E., Öner, O., Dolay, K., Hatipoğlu, S. and E. Aygün, “Evaluation of the results of laparoscopic intervention in complicated acute appendicitis”, 5th National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, November 16-20, Side, Antalya, (2005).
E33. Öner, O., Turhan, AN., Dolay, K., Ede, B., Yiğitbaş, H., Demiriz, B. and E. Aygün, “Comparison of laparoscopic and open surgical intervention results in peptic ulcer perforation”, 5th National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, November 16-20, Side, Antalya, (2005).
E34. Kalaycı, M., Dolay, K., Alış, H., Kütükçü, E., Öner, O., Yiğitbaş, H. and E. Aygün, “Our percutaneous gastrostomy experience”, 5th National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, November 16-20, Side, Antalya, (2005).
E35. Alış, H., Oner, O., Kütükçü, E., Kalaycı, M., Dolay, K., Turhan, AN., Dodur, B., Ede, B. and E. Aygün, “A cause of gastrointestinal bleeding: intestinal leiomyomas”, 5th National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, November 16-20, Side, Antalya, (2005).
E36. Alış, H., Dodur, B., Çikot, M., Ede, B., Demiriz, B., Kütükçü, E., Oner, O., Dolay, K., Kalaycı, M. and E. Aygün, “Effect of selective approach on costs in CIRCs”, 5th National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, November 16-20, Side, Antalya, (2005).
E37. Alış, H., Kütükçü, E., Öner, O., Yiğitbaş, H., Ede, B., Kalaycı, M., Dolay, K. and E. Aygün, “Use of covered stents in tracheoesophageal fistulas”, 5th National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, 16-20 November, Side, Antalya, (2005).
E38. Alış, H., Aygün, E., Kalaycı, M., Dolay, K., Turhan, AN. and B. Ede, “How much does Nissen fundoplication prevent acid reflux?”, 7th National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress, 18-21 September, Istanbul, (2005).
E39. Alış, H., Aygün, E., Kalaycı, M., Dolay, K., Ede, B. and B. Dodur, “The importance of 24-hour pH monitoring in patients with esophagitis”, 7th National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress, September 18-21, Istanbul, (2005).
E40. Kalaycı, M., Akın, BV., Alış, H., Dolay, K., Yiğitbaş, H., Dodur, B. and E. Aygün, “The effect of gallbladder perforations occurring during laparoscopic cholecystectomy on respiratory functions”, 7th National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress, September 18-21, Istanbul, (2005).
E41. Alış, H., Kalaycı, M., Dolay, K., Dodur, B., Yiğitbaş, H. and E. Aygün, “Use of self-expandable covered metal stents in benign esophageal problems: a case report”, 7th National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress, September 18-21, İstanbul, (2005).
E42. Alış, H., Aygün, E., Kalaycı, M., Ede, B., Turhan, AN., Dolay, K. and S. Hatipoğlu, “Our laparoscopic nissen fundoplication experience”, 7th National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress, September 18-21, İstanbul, (2005).
E43. Dolay, K., Aygün, E., Demiriz, B., Alış, H., Kalaycı, M. and Aİ. Taşcı, “Treatment of urinary fistula after rectal injury during cystoscopy with endoscopic fibrin glue and clipping”, 7th National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress, September 18-21, İstanbul, (2005).
E44. Aygün, E., Turhan, AN., Öner, O., Dolay, K., Kalaycı, MU., Alış, H., Kapan, S., Kütükçü, SE., Ayhan, S. and H. Yiğitbaş, “Effect of tumor stage and surgery on survival in gastric cancer”, 15th National Surgery Congress, May 24-28, Beldibi, Antalya, (2006).
E45.Dolay, K., Alış, H., Turhan, AN., Kalaycı, MU., Kapan, S., Öner, OZ., Kütükçü, SE., Pekel, Ö., Yiğitbaş, H. and E. Aygün, “Conservative approach to organ evisceration and abdominal penetrating stab wounds”, 15th National Surgery Congress, 24-28 May, Beldibi, Antalya, (2006).
E46. Dolay, K., Alış, H., Kalaycı, MU., Hatipoğlu, S. and E. Aygün, “Prophylactic endoscopic treatment in Forrest IIB upper gastrointestinal bleeding”, 15th National Surgery Congress, May 24-28, Beldibi, Antalya, (2006).
E47. Kütükcü, SE., Turhan, AN., Kapan, S., Öner, OZ., Kalaycı, MU., Alış, H., Dolay, K., Pekel, Ö., Hatipoğlu, S. and E. Aygün, “Results of routine recurrent nerve dissection in thyroidectomy”, 15th National Surgery Congress, May 24-28, Beldibi, Antalya, (2006).
E48.Alış, H., Dodur, B., Kalaycı, MU., Dolay, K., Kütükcü, SE., Öner, OZ., Yiğitbaş, H. and E. Aygün, “Importance of independent factors and scoring systems for rebleeding-mortality in upper gastrointestinal system bleeding”, 15th National Surgery Congress, 24-28 May, Beldibi, Antalya, (2006).
E49. Kalaycı, MU., Dolay, K., Alış, H., Pekel, Ö. and E. Aygün, “Evaluation of the results of our cases who underwent early cholecystectomy in acute pancreatitis”, 15th National Surgery Congress, 24-28 May, Beldibi, Antalya, (2006).
E50. Dolay, K., Aygun, E., Ertekin, C., Alış, H., Yanar, H. and R. Güloğlu, “New definitive treatment method for liver hydatid cysts that have opened into the bile ducts: endoscopic nasocystic drainage”, 6th Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, September 4-8, Side, Antalya, (2007).
E51. Alış, H., Kalaycı, M., Dolay, K., Kapan, S., Turhan, A., Soylu, A., Bozkurt, Samet. and E.Aygun, “Transcolonic pelvic abscess drainage”, 6th Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, September 4-8, Side, Antalya, (2007).
E52. Dolay, K., Ertekin, C., Yanar, H., Yanar, F., Aygün, E. and R. Güloğlu, “Does significant peritoneal air in periampullary perforations due to ERCP and endoscopic sphincterotomy require emergency surgical intervention?”, 6th Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, September 4-8, Side, Antalya, (2007).
E53. Yanar, H., Aksakal, N., Ertekin, C., Taviloğlu, K., Türel, Ö., Güloğlu, R., Dolay, K., Yanar, F. and S. Ziyade, “The role of diagnostic laparoscopy in penetrating left thoracoabdominal injuries”, 6th Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, September 4-8, Side, Antalya, (2007).
E54. Dolay, K., Karamustafaoğlu, B., Yanar, H., Kuzkaya, M. and M. Kurtoğlu, “The role of ankle index in peripheral artery injuries”, 6th Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, September 4-8, Side, Antalya, (2007).
E55. Dolay, K. and A. Soylu, “Easy endoscopic sphincterotomy in patients with Billroth II gastrectomy: new technique”, 24th National Gastroenterology Week, October 16-21, Nevşehir, (2007).
E56. Soylu, A., Bölükbaş, FF., Dolapcıoğlu, C, Alış, H., Dolay, K., Yaşar, N., Boduroğlu, Ö. and C. Bölükbaş, “Amoeba infection in patients with ulcerative colitis in Istanbul and Urfa” 24th National Gastroenterology Week, October 16-21, Nevşehir, (2007).
E57. Soylu, A., Ozkara, S., Alis, H., Dolay, K., Yasar, N. and B. Kumbasar, “Investigation of the presence of Helicobacter pylori in colon polyps by immunohistochemical staining” 24th National Gastroenterology Week, October 16-21, Nevsehir, (2007).
E58. Aygun E, Alis H., Turhan AN, Dolay K, Kirca V, Kapan S. and Bozkurt MA “A new technique in duodenal ulcer bleeding: Gastroduodenal artery ligation” National Surgery Congress May 28-31, Antalya (2008)
E59. Turhan AN, Alış H., Dolay K, Kapan S, Bozkurt MA, Pekel Ö, Soylu A, Aygün E and Kalaycı MU,”CT guided drainages performed by general surgeons in intraabdominal collections” National Surgery Congress, May 28-31, Antalya (2008)
E60. Alış H., Öner O, Dolay K, Soylu A, Bozkurt MA and E Aygün, “Percutaneous endoscopic colostomy” National Surgery Congress, May 28-31, Antalya (2008)
E61. Dolay, K., Alış H., Kapan S., Soylu A, Önalan MA, Bozkurt A, Tülübaş E and E Aygün “The course of metal clips used during laparoscopic cholecystectomy” National Surgery Congress, May 28-31, Antalya (2008)
E62. Çalış H., Saraçoğlu M and K Dolay, “3 Cases with Fasciola Hepatica Diagnosed with ERCP” 8th National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, September 14-18, Antalya (2011)
E63. Çalış H and K Dolay, “3 Cases Undergoing Endoscopic Gastro Cystotomy with Temporary Metal Stents” 8th National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, September 14-18, Antalya (2011)
E64. Çalış H and K Dolay, “A rare cause of massive hematochezia in adults: Meckel diverticulum” 9th National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, April 19-23, Antalya (2013)
E65. Ozdenkaya Y., Basim P., Ersavas C, Yilmaz M., Dolay K and M Oncel, “Our laparoscopic appendectomy experience in acute appendicitis cases” 9th National Trauma and Emergency Surgery Congress, April 19-23, Antalya (2013)
E66. Ozdenkaya Y., Ersavas C, Basim P., Oncel M and K Dolay, “Heller myotomy and antireflux surgery in esophageal achalasia” video presentation, 11th National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress October 2-6, Bodrum (2013)
E67. Malya FÜ, Bektaşoğlu HK, Başköy L, Akcakaya A and K Dolay, “Endoscopic Necrosectomy in Pancreatic Walled Necrosis” oral presentation, 20th National Surgical Surgery Congress, April 12-17, Antalya (2016)
E68. Malya FÜ, Taşcı Y, Akbulut H, Akcakaya A and K Dolay, “Nasocyst-biliary Drainage in Ruptured Bile Duct Hydatid Cyst” oral presentation, 20th National Surgical Surgery Congress, April 12-17, Antalya (2016)
E69. Malya FÜ, Bektaşoğlu HK, Kunduz E, Destek S, Piraliyev E, Aslan A and K Dolay, “Our laparoscopic surgery experience in distal pancreatic tumors” oral presentation, 13th National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress, April 19-22, Antalya (2017)
E70. Bektaşoğlu HK, Hasbahçeci M, Taşcı Y, Aydoğdu İ, Malya FÜ, Kunduz E, Piraliyev E and K Dolay, “Our laparoscopic surgery experience in hydatid cyst surgery” selected oral presentation, 13th National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress, April 19-22, Antalya (2017)
E71. Malya FÜ, Bektaşoğlu HK, Kunduz E, Destek S, Piraliyev E, Aslan A and K Dolay, “Laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy” video presentation, 13th National Endoscopic Laparoscopic Surgery Congress, 19-22 April, Antalya (2017)